1. Credit Counseling Certificate: Pre-bankruptcy
Phone #: 1-866-210-3590
Attorney #: 26881
For pre-bankruptcy instructions visit this website (link).
2. Proof of Income:
a. 7 months of pay stubs: If you have been employed, I need every pay stub from every job for the 7 months before filing including your spouse’s pay stubs, even if your spouse is not filing.
b. Profit/Loss: If you are self-employed, I need monthly statements for the 12 individual months before filing:
i. Monthly gross income
ii. Monthly expenses
iii. = Monthly profit/loss
c. Other Income: Including social security award letter, pension statement, and child support.
3. Vehicles:
Regular titles for vehicles you own free-and-clear.
Memorandum titles + proof of full coverage insurance for vehicles you're purchasing.
4. Tax Returns
Last two years' tax return 1040 Forms (NOT just your W-2)
For instructions on how to get your 1040 Forms visit this website (link).
5. List of Creditors:
All your bills and everyone to whom you owe money, including their name, mailing address and amount owed.
I will be able to pull your TransUnion credit report
6. Court Filing Fee:
Chapter 7: Due 120 days after filing -- $338 (no, not required on the date of filing)
Chapter 13: $313 -- Cash or money order is accepted (yes, due on the date of filing)