Bankruptcy Blog

Bankruptcy Benefits Solve the Stress of Holiday Spending

First of all: Happy Holidays! This is the time of year when Americans stop working so much, and take time for family. There’s traveling. Driving in the snow. Darkness at 5PM. Slushy roads. Christmas lights. Family gatherings. Lots and lots of presents. Holidays off work (hopefully!). And many people parlay their vacation time into a week or two straight off work around thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Anecdotally speaking, the 40 or so days between Thanksgiving and New Years have to be the least productive days for America’s workforce (except for those in the retail industry).

Following the holidays is when we have to pay for our over-indulgences. Maybe we over-indulged in food and our new years resolution is to get back in the gym. Or maybe we spent a ton of money on presents for our loved ones and our credit card bills are un-manageable. Something has to give.

Holiday spending is one of the main reasons that the months of January, February, March, and April are the busiest time of year for bankruptcy filings. If your credit card payment was barely manageable before the holidays, the increased spending pushes the card to a point that is simply not affordable on your budget. Combine that with the reality that your car might need mechanical work now that the temperatures are below freezing again, you’re traveling more, you and your kids need winter boots and jackets, and many more things that make the holidays an expensive time of year.

Bankruptcy offers relief from your over-stressed holiday budget. Bankruptcy is a federal law that offers you a way out from under that stress! Bankruptcy is over-flowing with benefits that are designed to help Americans like you and me. Like I have said in other blog posts: Bankruptcy is one of the rare laws that is designed to assist you; it will leave you in a better position than where you were before you filed. Bankruptcy can discharge 100% of credit card debt, car notes, medical bills, bank/payday/personal loans, and so on.

I advocate for bankruptcy so much because I believe many more people would be interested in filing for the benefits if they only knew all the advantages. That is why I suggest picking up your phone now and finding out how a bankruptcy can improve your life.

Take the easy first step of CALLING ME. At the very least, you will learn a few things about bankruptcy that you didn’t know before. There is no obligation to file. My direct line: 740-815-1114.

Happy Holidays,

Lucas Ruffing, Bankruptcy Attorney



Lucas Ruffing