Bankruptcy Blog


Make it your resolution this year to be debt free. The best part about this resolution is I can attain it for you, give me a call and I’ll tell you exactly how.

This is the time of year that people around the world make resolutions to better themselves. Actually, it’s almost 3 weeks into the year, so most people have already given up on their resolutions, haha. Joking aside, it’s never a bad time to try and better yourself, but the blank canvas of the New Year just seems like the perfect opportunity for a fresh start.

We are in an era of unprecedented credit card debt. A recent article mentioned the number just surged over $1 trillion for Americans. That tells me 2 things:

1)     You are not alone with your credit card debt.

2)     A bankruptcy can 100% benefit you.

Back to resolutions, millions of Americans make it their resolution to work towards a debt-free life. A debt-free life is an amazing goal for several reasons:

1) You keep the money you earn, rather than paying it towards bills.

2) It greatly reduces stress in your life because you no longer have the medical or credit card balances hanging over your head.

3) It gives you the ability to improve your credit score by eliminating all the negative balances currently weighing down your score.


Whereas most New Year’s resolutions go undone, this goal can absolutely be accomplished. Let this be the resolution you complete this year. Imagine how relieving it would be to not have your debts anymore! This wonderful thought is absolutely a reality for anyone that files for relief under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.

Trust me, I am an attorney whose primary focus is the Bankruptcy Code. “This sounds too good to be true.” I hear that ALL THE TIME. But I assure you, it’s real, and it’s amazing. The rights contained in the bankruptcy laws (Chapter 7 Benefits & Chapter 13 Benefits) can erase your debts (Benefits tab).

All it takes to accomplish this New Year’s resolution is a FREE call or text to me. I will hold your hand through the very simple process, and together we will accomplish one of the best New Year’s resolutions you’ll ever complete!

-Lucas Ruffing
Bankruptcy Attorney

Lucas Ruffing