Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Bankruptcy can be good for your credit OVERALL. Yes, your credit score may drop when you initially file. But, the fresh start provided by a Bankruptcy clears the way for you to build your credit going forward.
Q: How Quickly Can I Start Building Credit After I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
A: Immediately. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is a line in the sand created on the day your case is filed:
i) On one side of the line is your<- <- PAST <- <- debt, which has been included in your bankruptcy case.
ii) On the other side of the line is your -> -> FUTURE -> ->. You are able to pursue whatever credit-building opportunities you wish going forward:
a. Finance a car*
b. Open a credit card*
c. Take out a loan*
d. Other*
*It should absolutely be noted that, while these options are available to you, it does not necessarily mean you should indulge in them, or that they are good ideas. Incurring debt/credit should always be carefully considered, weighing all the pros & cons. These available options may very well help build your credit, but only if they are done responsibly.
Take the first step in clearing your way to a higher credit score: Call/Text/Email Bankruptcy Attorney Lucas Ruffing @ 740-815-1114 & for a free consultation.
Thanks For Reading,
-Lucas Ruffing