Bankruptcy Blog

Unemployed Ohioans Will No Longer Receive the Weekly $300

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is opting out of the additional $300/week federal pandemic unemployment assistance.  My understanding is that Gov. DeWine is hopeful that reducing the unemployment assistance will incentivize Ohioans to rejoin the workforce.

Possible impact on Ohioans:

1)     The reduction in unemployment benefits could pressure more Ohioans to rejoin the job market (assuming businesses are hiring), which could lead to a stronger economy, more wage income, and business growth.

2)     The reduction in unemployment benefits could lead to difficult financial situations for unemployed Ohioans that are UNABLE to find adequate employment going forward. For many Ohioans, the weekly federal assistance has been the difference between paying bills on time versus missing payments and going into debt.***

***This possible financial impact makes it imperative that all Ohioans know their rights when it comes to Bankruptcy:
What are your options?
How easy is it to eliminate all your debts?
How can you eliminate your debts and keep your house? Cars? Other belongings?
If you do not know the answers to these questions, you’re not taking full advantage of all your options.

Brief Timeline of the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA):

1)     When COVID first began, the federal pandemic unemployment assistance was $600/week, in addition to the regular Ohio unemployment benefits.

2)     As COVID continued, the federal assistance reduced to $300/week.

3)     Now that government mandates are being loosened, and things are trending towards “normal” again, Ohio has opted-out of the $300/week federal assistance. I.e. unemployed Ohioans will be eligible for the regular Ohio unemployment benefits, with no additional weekly federal funds.

If you, or someone you know is struggling financially, please do not hesitate to contact me for a FREE consultation. I’ll answer your questions, and explain your options in bankruptcy. I will explain all the benefits available to you in Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 bankruptcy.


Thanks for Reading,

Lucas Ruffing
740-815-1114 (call or text)

Lucas Ruffing