Bankruptcy Blog

Tax Season 2023   

Every year, tax season is the busiest time of year for bankruptcy filings. Ohioans seize this opportunity to use a portion of their tax refund to eliminate their debts once and for all. Honestly, what a relief that would be.

Ohioans are eagerly awaiting their W-2s so they can get their tax refund. Will it be $2,000? $5,000? $8,000?!

Tax refunds are an important part of many Ohioans’ annual budgets. You wait all year for this refund so you can catch up on some bills, buy the kids some clothes, get that living room couch you’ve been needing. Whatever it is, the tax refund is a huge help.

If you are stressed with your bills, you should consider using your tax refund to file bankruptcy.

Steps to Filing Bankruptcy:

1.      Schedule a FREE phone consultation with me (Attorney Lucas Ruffing) to discuss your bankruptcy options.

2.      During the 30-minute consultation, we will also discuss what you should/shouldn’t do with your tax refund. This is very important as there are many things to consider before filing bankruptcy.

3.      Whenever you’re ready, we will schedule the next appointment to FILE your bankruptcy case.

4.      As soon as we file, you’ll be protected from your creditors (garnishments, phone calls, collection letters, foreclosures, repossessions, etc)

Let your tax refund get you a complete fresh start this year. Eliminate your debts by filing for bankruptcy relief.

First thing first: Call/Text/Email me (attorney Lucas Ruffing) to schedule the FREE phone consultation.

Happy Tax Season!

Lucas Ruffing
740-815-1114 (call/text) (email)


Lucas Ruffing