Bankruptcy Court Hearing by Telephone
In the past 15 months, NONE of my clients have had to step foot in a courtroom because the Bankruptcy Courts are allowing hearings to be held by telephone, because of COVID-19 concerns.
In other words, now is a fantastic time to file bankruptcy if you are intimidated, hesitant, or just downright uncomfortable with in-person court hearings. And let’s be honest, no one LIKES going to court!
Every bankruptcy case includes a court hearing. Usually the hearing is a simple in-person hearing that lasts about 5-10 minutes. And usually these hearings are held in Downtown Columbus, Lima, or Dayton. However, since COVID, the hearings are just a simple phone call. I have had many clients exclaim how wonderful these telephone hearings are because you avoid traffic, parking, driving, and avoid in-person courtrooms.
There have been many discussions about continuing the telephone hearings — citing concerns over accessibility, efficiency, etc. Will the telephone hearings continue? Only time will tell.
If you want to take advantage of the COVID telephonic bankruptcy hearings, or if you simply want to eliminate your debts, call/text/email me @ 740-815-1114. I am here to answer your questions and help you through the process.
Thanks for Reading,
-Lucas Ruffing