Bankruptcy is the Good that Eliminates the Bad
“You’re already in a tough situation; you already have debt; you’re already struggling with bills. You’re already living paycheck to paycheck. The tough things already exist. BANKRUPTCY IS THE LIFELINE TO ELMINATE THE DIFFICULTY! BANKRUPTCY CAN GIVE YOU A FRESH START!”
^ That ^ is something I tell my clients all the time when they’re considering whether to file. They’re debating whether to file bankruptcy because someone in their life has told them “filing bankruptcy isn’t good.”
No, what’s “not good” is struggling with your bills and living paycheck to paycheck year after year. Bankruptcy is the good thing that eliminates the bad things.
Forget about Wheel of Fortune’s “Bankruptcy” wedge. Forget about the misinformation from your family member. Forget about the stereotypes. Forget about the stigmas. Forget about all the negativity that seems to surround bankruptcy. IT MAKES NO SENSE! It’s a runaway narrative that our society doesn’t understand at all.
Bankruptcy is a savior. A lifeline. The light at the end of the tunnel. A fresh start. A clean slate.
To find out how Bankruptcy can help solve your difficult situation, contact me today for a quick, FREE phone consultation.
(If you can’t tell, I’m on a crusade to change the narrative surrounding bankruptcy!)
Take Care,
Lucas Ruffing
740-815-1114 (call/text) (email)